Recent Newsletters

Below are links to our more recent Water and Power Associates Newsletters. Here you will find articles on critical water and energy issues affecting the citizens of Los Angeles, Southern California and the State of California.

Click HERE to see the July 2024 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ Delta Conveyance Project Update – Additional Hurdles Arise from Environmental Concerns

◆ President’s Column

◆ Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Update

◆ New Power Technologies to Meet Clean Energy Goals

◆ America Exceeds Five Million Solar Installations Nationwide

◆ Funding for Water Recycling in Southern California

◆ 2024 LADWP Strategic Long-Term Resource Plan Update

◆ The Challenge of Interconnecting Inverter Based Renewable Energy Resources to the Bulk Power System

◆ US Bureau of Reclamation Proposes Alternatives for Reduction in Colorado River Water Use

◆ Letter and Presentation Made to Los Angeles City Council, Energy and Environment Committee by Jerry Gewe, June 14, 2024

◆ Sites Reservoir Clears Environmental Challenge

◆ Mystery History Question

◆ Guest Speakers Summary: Ben Wong and Steven Kuo – Summary of 2024 Water Supply Symposium

◆ Guest Speakers Summary: Nurit Katz, DWP Commissioner and Chief Sustainability Officer at UCLA – Current Issues Affecting the DWP Commission

◆ Save the Date

◆ Membership Drive



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Click HERE to see the April 2024 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ Update on the Strategic Long-Term Resource Plan

◆ NERC Long Term Reliability Assessment

◆ 2023-24 Eastern Sierra Snowpack Results

◆ Delta Conveyance Project Update – Multiple Roadblocks Challenge the Project

◆ Proposed Solar Energy Center in Southern Nevada Signs Purchase Agreement with San Diego

◆ More than 12,000 MWh of Energy Storage Installed in U.S. in Q4 2023

◆ Salton Sea Geothermal Development Could Produce Significant Source of Lithium for Growing Battery Production

◆ California Water Supply Update for 2024

◆ Mystery History Article directly from our Virtual Museum

◆ Guest Speaker Talk Summary (March 2024): Bill Hasencamp, MWD Manager of Colorado River Activities – Can the Colorado River Meet the Future Needs of the American Southwest?

◆ Guest Speaker Talk Summary (April 2024): Denis Obiang, Director of Power System Planning – Update on Power System Strategic Vision - Resources, Transmission, and Distribution Plans.

◆ Save the Date

◆ Membership Drive



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Click HERE to see the January 2024 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ California Department of Water Resources Certifies Delta Conveyance Project EIR

◆ Editor’s Column

◆ Overview of the TransWest Express Transmission Project

◆ California Approves Regulations for Direct Potable Reuse of Reclaimed Water

◆ Final EIR/EIS for Sites Reservoir Approved

◆ California Joins Global Offshore Wind Alliance

◆ US Energy Information Agency Sees Continued Solar Growth While Coal Declines

◆ Toyota and SDG&E Collaborate on Electric Vehicle to Grid Research

◆ Plugging Inequality:  Analyzing the Pros and Cons of California’s Income Graduated Fixed Charge Proposal

◆ Glendale City Council Unanimously Approves Power Rate Increase

◆ Mystery History Article directly from our Virtual Museum.

◆ Guest Speakers Summary (October 2023): Matthew (Matt) Hale, Director of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs for DWP provided a presentation on how W&PA can be more effective in influencing policy issues and an update on current issues his organization is dealing with.

◆ Guest Speakers Talk Summary (November 2023): Anselmo Collins, Assistant General Manager, Water gave an update on key issues currently facing the Water System.

◆ Guest Speakers Talk Summar (December 2023): Dr. Fred Pickel, LA Ratepayer Advocate gave a talk on the challenges facing the Department and what is happening with the City’s search for his replacement.

◆ Save the Date

◆ Membership Drive



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Click HERE to see the October 2023 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ Owens Valley Operations in the Summer of 2023

◆ Editor’s Column

◆ IPP Renewed Project, Part 2

◆ Castaic: White Elephant to Envy of the Western Interconnection

◆ California Grid Reaches 5,600 MW of Battery Storage Capacity - Over a 10-Fold Increase Since 2020

◆ Update on Lake Mead and the Colorado River

◆ California Releases Proposed Regulations for Direct Potable Reuse of Treated Wastewater

◆ CPUC Proposes New Rules for Solar Net Metering

◆ Overcoming Obstacles: Los Angeles Developers and the DWP's Path to Progress

◆ Sites Reservoir - Will Methane Generation from the Reservoir Derail its Approval?

◆ Mystery History Article directly from our Virtual Museum.

◆ Guest Speakers Summary (July 2023): Timothy Ushijima and Andrew Han, both from LADWP's Water Resources Division provided updates on the status of Owens Valley runnoff, and the Department's efforts to obtain outside grants and loans for its capital program.

◆ Guest Speakers Talk Summary (August 2023): Simon Zewdu, Assistant General Manager - Power, Gregory Reed, Assistant General Manager of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Denis Obiang, Manager of Transmission Planning provided a presentation on the emergence of equity issues and how DWP is planning to deal with them.

◆ Save the Date

◆ Membership Drive



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Click HERE to see the July 2023 Newsletter


This Issue:

 IIPP Renewed Project, Part 1

◆ Editor’s Column

◆ Energy Workforce Grew 3.8% Last Year; Clean Energy Jobs Increased in Every State

◆ Jeff Kightlinger Receives William Mulholland Public Service Award

◆ Colorado River Update

◆ Record Eastern Sierra Snowpack

◆ LADWP Extends Power Sales Agreement for Pacific Northwest Wind Farm for Four Additional Years

◆ AES Buys Solar + Storage Project in California

◆ More Renewables, Gas Generation Likely to Reduce U.S. Summer Coal Demand

◆ New Data Shows Growth in California’s Clean Electricity Portfolio and Battery Storage Capacity

◆ Judge Rules Montana Gas-Fired Plant Can Move Forward, While Landmark Climate Case Begins

◆ Impact of the Runoff on the Owens Lake Dust Control Facilities

◆ California Can’t Kick Its Coastal Gas Plant Addiction

◆ Mystery History Article directly from our Virtual Museum

◆ Guest Speakers – Talks Summary

◆ Save the Date



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Click HERE to see the April 2023 Newsletter


This Issue:

 The Impact of the Atmospheric River Storms on California’s Water Supply Update

 Editors Column

 Snow Pack in the Eastern Sierra Breaks Record for the Highest Ever Measured!

 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Approved for Continued Operation

 City Council Approves DWP Moving Forward with Scattergood Conversion to Hydrogen

 EV Charging Station Infrastructure Update

 UAMPS Proceeds with Plans for a Small Nuclear Reactor Plant

 rPlus Hydro Submits Final License Application

 Status of the Safe Clean Water Program (Measure W)

 Mystery History article directly from our Virtual Museum

 Guest Speakers – Talks Summary

Water and Power Associates Website Update

 Save the Date



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Click HERE to see the January 2023 Newsletter


This Issue:

The Impact of Atmospheric River Storms on California’s Water Supply

Editor's Column

Status of the Strategic Long Term Resource Plan (SLTRP)

Fusion Breakthrough Brings Cheers, Though Challenges Remain

Vandals, Outages Highlight Power Grid Security Concerns

Should We Really Use Renewable Electricity to Make Green Hydrogen? Not Always

What Does the Future Hold for EVs and Smart City Technologies in 2023?

California’s Revised Climate Strategy Relies on Carbon Capture

Agreement for 200MW Compressed Energy Storage Plant Near Rosamond

Mystery History article directly from our Virtual Museum

Guest Speakers - Talks Summary

◆ Save the Date



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Click HERE to see the October 2022 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ Strategic Long Term Resources Plan Update

◆ Editor's Column

◆ Curtailment of Water Allocations from the Colorado River

◆ Letter to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners: Recommendations regarding the Strategic Long Term Resources Plan

◆ Is Hydrogen the Miracle Fuel to Address Global Warming? (Part 4)

◆ L.A. Business Council Panel Discussion on Transitioning to Climate-Friendly Energy

◆ Power Buzz: (1) CEC CA Offshore Wind Energy Plans; (2) Wyoming Wind Energy Project; (3) California Independent System Operator (CAISO) – Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

◆ Water Buzz: (1) Desalinated Sea Water in our Future?; (2) Smart Meters

◆ Sustainability Buzz: (1) New England Utility Will Soon Pay EV Owners to Help Back Up the Grid; (2) Renewable Energy Buildout Faces Big Hurdles; (3) Why the Solar Market is Down and Why It’s Poised for a Comeback; (4) As Electric Replaces Gas, Who Will Pick Up the Tab for Aging Infrastructure?

◆ Mystery History article directly from our Virtual Museum

◆ Guest Speakers - Talks Summary

◆ Save the Date



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Click HERE to see the July 2022 Newsletter


This Issue:

 Update on Intermountain Power Project Renewed

 Editor's Column

 Letter to Governor Newsom: Urgency of Delta Fix in Face of Mega Drought

 Is Hydrogen the Miracle Fuel to Address Global Warming? (Part 3)

 Letter to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners: Ratepayer Impacts of LA100 Proposal

 The 22-Year Mega Drought – How Bad Is It?

 Sustainability Buzz: (1) Biden Administration Proposes Minimum Standards for National EV Charging Units; (2) California Drought Could Severely Limit Hydropower This Summer

 Power Buzz: (1) Proposed Haiwee Pumped Storage Project; (2) Panel OK’s Surveys for Offshore Wind Energy Development; (3) Florida Power & Light 1260 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant

 Water Buzz: Huntington Beach Desalination Proposal Rejected

 Mystery History article directly from our Virtual Museum

 Guest Speakers – Talks Summary

 Save the Date



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Click HERE to see the April 2022 Newsletter


This Issue:

Governor Newsom’s Water Dilemma

Long Term Strategic Resources Plan Update

Is Hydrogen the Miracle Fuel to Address Global Warming? (Part 2)

Blame Sacramento, Not Moscow, for California’s Energy Crisis

San Vicente Pump-Storage Facility

Dire Forecast for this Summer’s Water Supply

Eastern Sierra Snowpack

Large-Scale Green Hydrogen Infrastructure System Unveiled for California

CAISO Plan Calls for $30.5 Billion for Transmission and More Renewable Energy

US Energy Information Administration Releases Annual Energy Outlook

PG&E Proposes Battery Energy Storage Plan to California Regulators

Bloomberg NEF Releases 2022 Sustainable Energy Factbook

Mystery History article directly from our Virtual Museum

Guest Speakers - Talks Summary

◆ Save the Date



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Click HERE to see the January 2022 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ Update on California’s Drought

◆ Photovoltaic Costs Continue to Decline

◆ Record Renewables Growth Predicted

◆ Colorado River Water Delivery Cuts

◆ Energy and Water Issues Buzz

◆ LADWP Strategic Long Term Resource Plan Update

◆ Is Hydrogen the Miracle Fuel to Address Global Warming?

◆ Eastern Sierra Snowpack

◆ Is California Ready for the Summer of 2022 and 2023?

◆ How Are Electric Utilities Preparing for EV Adoptions?

◆ Water Rights Files Being Updated and Digitized

◆ Guest Speakers - Talks Summary

◆ Mystery History article directly from our Virtual Museum



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Click HERE to see the October 2021 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ IPP’s Future Green Energy Hub

◆ LA100: LA City Council Approves Target Date of 2035

◆ Memorial Tribute to Tom McCarthy

◆ The Drought of 2021

◆ Going Back to the All-Electric House – Does it Make Sense?

◆ Olvera Street Water Exhibit Update

◆ Energy and Water Issues Buzz

◆ Water Shortage Declared on Colorado River

◆ Guest Speaker Talk Summary: Pasadena’s Approach to Green Power Issues

◆ Mystery History article directly from our Virtual Museum



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Click HERE to see the July 2021 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ The Emergence of a New Drought and Its Impact on Southern California

◆ LA100 Study Summary and Update

◆ Letter to the Mayor

◆ Back to the Future, Are We Going Back to the All-Electric House (Article 2 in the Series)

◆ Cooking with Electricity

◆ What’s All the Fuss About Natural Gas?

◆ Sustainability Buzz

◆ Amid Dire Colorado River Outlook, States Plan to Tap Their Lake Mead Savings Accounts

◆ Recent Guest Speakers – Talk Summaries

◆ Mystery History article that comes directly from our Virtual Museum



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Click HERE to see the April 2021 Newsletter


This Issue:

◆ The recent electrical blackout in Texas and whether it could happen in California and more specifically in Los Angeles.

◆ Are We Going Back to All Electric Homes?

◆ The Intermountain Power Project Renewal, the National Renewal Energy Laboratory Outline for a Four-Phase Framework for Energy Storage Development.

◆ The proposed agreement between MWD and the Southern Nevada Water Authority to investigate the feasibility of working together to develop Water Recycling in Southern California to allow SNWA to access some of MWD’s share of the Colorado River to assist both areas.

◆ Summaries of recent Board presentations including Marty Adams, GM of LADWP, “Update on Issues Facing LAWP”, Emil Abdelsheid of LADWP, “Current Efforts Regarding Power Distribution Automation” and Deven Upadhyay, AGM and COO of the Metropolitan Water District, “MWD Report on Statewide Water Issues”.

◆ Mystery History article that comes directly from our Virtual Museum



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Click HERE to see the January 2021 Newsletter




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Click HERE to see the October 2020 Newsletter




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Click HERE to see the July 2020 Newsletter




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Click HERE to see the April 2020 Newsletter




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Click HERE to see the October 2019 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the July 2019 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the April 2019 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the January 2019 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the October 2018 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the July 2018 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the April 2018 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the January 2018 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the October 2017 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the July 2017 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the April 2017 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the January 2017 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the October 2016 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the July 2016 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the April 2016 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the January 2016 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the October 2015 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the July 2015 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the April 2015 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the January 2015 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the October 2014 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the July 2014 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the April 2014 Newsletter



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Click HERE to see the January 2014 Newsletter




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Click HERE for the October 2013 Newsletter

President Ed Schlotman discusses the shrinking water supply from the Colorado River and potential consequences; Los Angeles Aqueduct Centennial 2013, Schedule of Events and Perspective by Jerry Gewe; Jack Feldman highlights the Water and Power Associates’ Virtual Museum, its growth and relevance; Recent guests and speakers:  Bill Burke, David R. Pettijohn, Randal D. Neudeck, Joseph M. Ramallo; Invitation to Members to attend L.A. Aqueduct Centennial 2013 Event (Nov. 5th); Shocking Electric Issues – submitted by Thomas J. McCarthy; Book Review by Abraham Hoffman:  CONFLICT ON THE RIO GRANDE: Water and the Law, 1879-1939, by Douglas R. Littlefield; Mystery History; Water Education Foundation’s Rita Sudman Retires.


Click HERE for the July 2013 Newsletter

President Ed Schlotman discusses the need to preserve DWP artifacts, documents and photographs that have great historical value for current and future generations of Los Angelenos.  He further appeals to DWP management to take the necessary steps to enable such an endeavor; Vice-President John Schumann writes about the Water and Power Associates’ concerns related to the DWP’s new Feed in Tariff Program (FiT) and its effect on the City’s electric rate payers; Water and Power Associates' Position Paper on FiT; Four articles related to current power issues submitted by Tom McCarthy: California looks for new generation, transmission in wake of San Onofre shut down, Natural Gas Boom Leads to Substantially Lower Electricity Prices, and Sacramento Bee Endorses 'Time of Use' Pricing Plan; Natural Gas and Renewable Energy: Friends or Foes?; Website, Mystery History; Scott Munson, Associates Board member and also elected member of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council, discusses LADWP's Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Project and the Associates’ concerns that LADWP's responsibility should be to ONLY mitigate the dust caused by its diversion of the Owens River and nothing beyond; Water and Power Associates’ Position Paper on Owens Lake Dust Mitigation;  Is There Hope for Faster Approval of Needed Infrastructure Projects? by Robert Yoshimura; Our Recent Guests; Book Review: Windfall, Wind Energy in America Today, author, Robert W. Righter; Abe Hoffman – Presentation of 100th Anniversary of L.A. Aqueduct.


Click HERE for the April 2013 Newsletter

In his presidential notes, Ed Schlotman discusses the recent finding of  large shale deposits near the Monterey Peninsula and its potential to boost California’s economy as well as the environmental concerns related to ‘fracking’, the process by which the shale is removed; Water and Power Associates Position Paper:  Owens Valley Dust Mitigation; Introduction of new Board members: Robert DiPrimio and Phyllis Currie; Website - Mystery History; Book review by Abraham Hoffman: THE WIRED NORTHWEST - The History of Electric Power, 1870s-1970s, by Paul W. Hirt. Energy Articles:  California's Renewables Goal Creates Blackout Risks, Los Angeles to Stop Using Coal-fired Power by 2025 (Wall Street Journal), California Renewables Push Could Create Grid Imbalance, California's Imperial County Turns to Renewables for Growth; The Bay-Delta Controversy (Part III) by Robert Yoshimura.


Click HERE for the January 2013 Newsletter

President Ed Schlotman discusses the challenges facing the State of California due to projected population growth and water shortages and how the most effective solution pivots around resolving the State’s North-South division;  Upcoming Annual Membership Meeting (Feb. 9th @ the JFOB, 10 a.m.); Energy Articles: Britain Hydraulic Fracturing, California C02 Auctions Called Revenue Grab, California’s First Pollution Permit Auction Deemed a Success; Renewable - Energy Articles: Calif. ISO Sees Renewables Growth Requiring Doubling of Reserves, Investor's Business Daily: Calif.'s Renewables Goal Comes at Cost, WSJ Op-Ed Claims Sandy Showed Inadequacy of Renewables submitted by Tom McCarthy; Website, Mystery History; Newsletter Survey;  Book review by Abraham Hoffman: HOW LOCAL POLITICS SHAPE FEDERAL POLICY: Business, Power, and the Environment in Twentieth-Century Los Angeles, by Sarah S. Elkind; Associates’ Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Inspection Trip; The Bay-Delta Controversy (Part II) by Robert Yoshimura.


Click HERE for the October 2012 Newsletter

In his presidential notes, Ed Schlotman discusses the Owens Lake dust control project and the escalating costs to Los Angeles ratepayers (over $1 Billion dollars to date); This year’s Water and Power Associates Mulholland Service Award Recipient: Phyllis E. Currie; Our Recent Distinguished Guests; Board of Directors and Newsletter Contributors; L.A. Aqueduct Centennial – Nov. 2013; Website, Mystery History; CAL ISO Prepares for Another Summer w/o San Onofre; Abraham Hoffman reviews the book, “The Future of Indian and Federal Reserved Water Rights: The Winters Centennial”, edited by Barbara Cosen and Judith V. Royster;  Revisiting the Yang-na by guest writers Leon Furgatch and Lalo Kikiriki;  The Bay-Delta Controversy by Robert Yoshimura; Dave McCoy’s and E. Clampus Vitus by David J. Oliphant; Proposed William Mulholland Statue.


Click HERE for the July 2012 Newsletter

President Ed Schlotman discusses global warming and the growing need for water conservation; Robert Yoshimura reviews the newly released documentary, ‘Last Call at the Oasis,’ about the diminishing water supply for the world’s urban areas; Book review by Abraham Hoffman of A Great Aridness: Climate Change and the Future of the American Southwest, by William deBuys; Water and Power Associates member, Phyllis Curie, elected to head the American Public Power Authority (AAPA);  The San Diego/MWD water dispute is analyzed by Steve Erie and Greg Freeman; New Member Profile: Timothy F. Brick; Three energy articles submitted by Thomas McCarthy; Our Distinguished Guests; Website, Mystery History; Haynes Generating Plant tour review by David Oliphant & John Schumann.


Click HERE for the April 2012 Newsletter

In his presidential notes, Ed Schlotman discusses the tough issues facing the California State Legislature with regard to finding a balance between protecting the environment and sustaining quality of life as the population continues to grow; In an Asbury Park Press article, a discussion about the environment and safety implications behind the use of  ‘fracking’ to extract natural gas;  Highlights of the recent additions to the Water and Power Associates website; An introduction of our new Board members, Tim Brick, Chin Chang,  and Tom Gackstetter; Abraham Hoffman reviews the book, ENGINEERING NATURE: Water, Development, & the Global Spread of American Environmental Expertise, by Jessica B. Teisch. Recent articles:  Wall Street Journal Columnist Examines Energy in North Dakota, California and California's HOV Access for Volt Called Game Changer article submitted by Tom McCarthy; A review of  the recent Associates Tour of the LADWP Water Quality Lab by Robert Yoshimura; An Affordable Accessible Storage Facility for DWP History written by Dave Oliphant; Outsourcing - Quit Complaining About Your Sewer Bill! by Dave Oliphant; Also, Edison Will Close PlantsCost of Closing Arizona Coal Plant, Proposed Storage Facility, and "Mystery History Photographs."


Click HERE for the January 2012 Newsletter

President Ed Schlotman discusses California’s potential water shortages  and water conservation efforts.  On the national level he gives us both the upside and downside of new pipeline projects such as Keystone to bring Canadian oil down to the U.S. ;  Summary of an LA Times interview with Commerce Secretary John Bryson on the topic of how China’s trade practices have resulted in a lack of U.S. clean energy manufacturing;  Notes from the November joint lunch meeting between CSUN  Staff and the Water & Power Associates Board including a tour of the Catherine Mulholland Collection ‘Valley Memories’;  Condor Threatens Wind Industry article and Exelon Clean Energy article submitted by Tom McCarthy;  Air Resource Board and Cap & Trade article submitted by John Schumann;  The book, ‘PARADISE PLUNDERED:  Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego, by Steven P. Erie, Vladimir Kogan, and Scott A. Mackenzie is reviewed by Abraham Hoffman;  And finally, as a follow-up to Robert Yoshimura’s article in our October newsletter, an article by Bill Tappan which explores what a ‘right sized’ North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) project might look like and mean to our country today.


Click HERE for the October 2011 Newsletter

A summary of the events leading to the recent power outages that swept across Southern California and Arizona; Robert Yoshimura looks back at the North American Water & Power Alliance and about the most comprehensive and ambitious water resource/hydropower project ever conceived; In his President Notes, Ed Schlotman writes about water supply, capacity, and conservation in Southern California. David Oliphant writes about the new Catherine Mulholland Collection on display at California State University at Northridge; Update on Go Solar L.A. – LADWP Solar Incentive Program; Book Review by member Abraham Hoffman, Ph.D. of THE BIG THIRST: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water; Utility officials seek to unravel why safeguards failed in blackout submitted by Tom McCarthy; Article reprint: Consumers Unlikely to Shoulder Cost of More Investment to Boost Reliability, Industry Experts Say (EPRI).


Click HERE for the July 2011 Newsletter

President Ed Schlotman discusses his recent trip to Texas and about the severe water restrictions many of the state's customers are facing this summer; Tom McCarthy writes about First Wind launching operations of its 102-MW Milford Wind Corridor Phase II project in Utah and how Southern California will benefit; A tribute to CATHERINE ROSE MULHOLLAND (1923-2011) by Abraham Hoffman, with Leon Furgatch & Christine Mulholland; Our recent guests including Los Angeles Department of Water and Power General Manager Ron Nichols; A summary of San Diego Gas & Electric's vision of how it plans to develop its electricity grid over the next decade; Book Review by member Abraham Hoffman, Ph.D. of MANAGING CALIFORNIA'S WATER: From Conflict to Reconciliation, by Ellen Hanak et al; An article titled 'A Third Grade History Lesson' by David J. Oliphant; Leon Furgatch writes an historical piece about the first true inhabitants of Los Angeles...the Yang-na Indians.


Click HERE for the April 2011 Newsletter

Ed Schlotman discusses Water and Power Associates' role to inform its members and governmental policymakers regarding water and energy issues as well as the need to educate the public on what these issues will mean to them. The LeVal Lund Annual Award is being set up to acknowledge outstanding performing individuals in the practice of reducing risks of lifeline systems. LeVal Lund (1923 – 2007) was a former Vice President and long-time member of the Water and Power Associates. Our members letters to editors. Book Review by member Abraham Hoffman of WATER: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization by Steven Solomon. State Water Projects Allocations Increases by 70% Article submitted by Joan Dym. News clippings from publications of other professional, energy, water, community, and non-profit organizations to which many of our members subscribe, maintain membership, and actively participate submitted by Tom McCarthy. Open Letter to the U.S. House of Representatives in support of HR 470 that would provide new Hoover Dam long term contracts to the current Contractors written by John Schumann.


Click HERE for the January 2011 Newsletter

In his Presidential Notes, Kent Noyes discusses proposed City Charter amendments and other DWP reforms the City Council is considering for the March ballot. Among those are Council authority to remove a Water and Power Commissioner or General Manager on two thirds vote, a restructuring of the water and power commission, the establishment of an Office of Accountability, a requirement for an earlier budget submittal and (fraught with danger) a redefinition of surplus. In another article Joan Dym writes about a proposed State and Federal plan to restore the California Bay Delta. Aram Benyamin discusses three major issues facing the DWP power system; keeping the infrastructure up to date, modernizing and re-powering the power plants, including the future of IPP and greater efficiency and conservative management in the operation of the DWP power system. Aram also discussed the CO2 issue, upgrading transmission lines, the effect on rates of the transition from coal, and the Pine Tree Solar Project. John Schuman updated the Board on California's cap and trade program. Guest columnist Marvin Moon, director of the DWP Power System Engineering Division wrote about DWP outages and changes since 2006, as well as the new tools developed to deal with outages. Finally, the book Secrets of the Heart: member Abraham Hoffman, 1886 -- 1920 by Charles Lee reviews Adventures of a California Girl.


Click HERE for the October 2010 Newsletter

President Kent Noyes discusses both water and power matters in his "President's Notes": the removal of a water bond from the November ballot and the impact that proposition 23 requiring the suspension of AB 32 until unemployment dropped to 5.5% might have. Tom McCarthy adds additional discussion of the implications, should the passage of propositions 23 and 25. occur. (As the newsletter goes to press after the election results are in we note that proposition 23 freezing A.B. 32 until unemployment drops below 5.5% failed while proposition 25, providing for budget adoption on simple majority vote passed. The book, "Dirty Water: One Man's Fight to Clean Up One of the World's Most Polluted Bays" is reviewed by Abraham Hoffman. John Dennis was our August guest speaker. His presentations related by Dave Oliphant. The presentation dealt with the Draft Integrated Resource Plan, including a discussion of energy sources, rate payer costs and system reliability. He also presented information on once through cooling under the state water board's proposed rules. Bill Gluaz, also our August guest, discussed the present level of activities regarding the building and purchase of renewable energy sources. The Associates were the beneficiaries of an informational tour of LADWP's Pine Tree Windfarm Generation Plant in September. A discussion of the trip and some pictures can be found beginning at page 6. An overview of the No on Proposition 16 Workshop shop on August 5, 2010 can be found on page 9. An article by Stephen Moore, entitled "California's Green Nightmare" concerning green jobs and green industry be found on pages 10 and 11. A number of serious climate prediction errors in the 2007 report from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change caused it to suffer sufficient damage to its credibility to warrant a review of its processes by an independent body, the inter-Academy Council. Dave Oliphant presents an overview of the findings at page 12 with the catchy title, " Global Warming --Policy of Don't Ask Don't Tell?" James F. Wickser, former head of the Water System and Assistant General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, passed away on September 22. A remembrance can be found at page 15.


Click HERE for the July 2010 Newsletter

In the July newsletter, president Kent Noyes discusses the defeat of Proposition 16, the Association's position in opposition, as well as the narrow victory achieved by the opponents. He also observed that the Board of Water and Power commissioners was considering the sale of assets to help fund renewable energy programs and reduce possible impacts on rates. He noted the Association's position that any analysis of the sale of an asset should consider both the short-term and long-term benefits and costs. Gerry Gewe discussed Gov. Schwarzenegger's proposal to remove the proposed water bond from the November 2011 ballot and instead place it before the voters in 2012 because of the state's current financial condition and the quickly eroding public support for any such expenditure under the present financial conditions. Abraham Hoffman reviewed Unquenchable: America's Water Crisis and what to do about it. By Robert Glennon. Philip Shiner, former Chief Assistant City Attorney for Water and Power, and at the board's newest member, wrote a piece describing his background in the city attorney's office. In September 2007 Richard Dickinson wrote an article discussing whether the DWP could go green by 2010. It is reprinted in the July newsletter. One of the points Mr. Dickinson observed, and is worth noting in view of what we now know, was the possibility that the Department and the City could be worse off if it increased its use of renewable energy under too tight a deadline. This story is all the more interesting in view of the financial crises the country has and is still experiencing. The next article discusses the strategic plan presented by past General Manager Austin Beutner. It will be interesting to learn what the department's newest general manager does with Mr. Buettner's plan. Our guest speaker was Dr. Ali Morabbi Manager of the Smart Grid. He discussed that concept and its implementation. The basic concept is for you every device on the system to be able to talk to every other device and to bring information back to where it is needed and can be used. This includes such things as system data integration, resources and control sensors, both large and small. This is still a work in progress, as might be expected, and as Dr. Morabbi noted. He pointed out that everyone needs to understand what is mandated for municipal utilities and what is logical, as well as the reality that the public needs to understand the costs and other available options. Finally, Dave Oliphant wrote an article on a presentation sponsored by the Los Angeles Historic Society on the Barlow Respiratory Hospital and the development of a survey of Los Angeles historic resources.


Click HERE for the April 2010 Newsletter

President Kent Noyes in his notes discussed two issues facing the voters in the general election; Proposition 16, supported by PG&E, which would, "require local governments to obtain the approval of two thirds of the voters before providing electricity to new customers or expanding such services to new territories if public funds or bombs involved." The other issue is AB 32 which requires the Air Resources Board to develop regulations and market mechanisms to reduce California's greenhouse gas emissions to their 1990 levels by 2020. The lead article In the April newsletter discussed the partial failure of the Pacific DC Intertie do to observed 120 mph wind gusts in the Owens Valley. The Board of Directors(page 4) took part in a daylong inspection trip of MWD's headquarters facilities, water treatment facilities and a review of the diamond Valley Lake Museum complex. Steve Malinoski, LA DWP's Director of Water Distribution, was our guest speaker for the March Board meeting. He addressed water leaks and blowouts that made the news in the last several months. A list of the new Board of Directors be found on page 6. Two new board members Gerald A. Gewe and Edward A. Schlotman are introduced, at page 7. A letter to Mary Nichols, Chair of the California Air Resources Board regarding the Cap and Trade program can be found at pages 8 and 9. Photos of the MWD inspection trip can be found at pages 10 and 11. Page 12 contains an MWD press release concerning the appointment of a Blue Ribbon Committee to identify and recommend new business models and strategies that will help the region meet long-term long-range water needs. The table of DWP's snow survey results on March 1 can be found at page 13. The book, "Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the coming battle for the Right to Water." By Maude Barlow is reviewed by Abraham Hoffman, at page 14. Leon Furgatch relates an anecdote that arose during a speech to a civic group concerning the Feather River Project, and Robert Agopian presents a letter to the editor published by the Daily News on March 19, 2010.


Click HERE for the January 2010 Newsletter

President Tom McCarthy comments on key water and power legislative issues; summary of guest speaker Mohammed (Mo) Beshir's remarks about key power resource issues at DWP; Regional funding activities under the Safe, Clean and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010 are summarized by Joan Dym; Leon Furgatch "Recalling the Water War of '82 and How It Continues to Affect Southern California; Abraham Hoffman comments on being interviewed for TV documentaries in "As Shown on TV"; John Schuman discusses how the "Green House Gas Cap and Trade Program is more than a National Issue for Producers of Power;" Abraham Hoffman reviews Fred Pearce's book When Rivers Run Dry.


Click HERE for the October 2009 Newsletter

President Tom McCarthy comments on the DWP's proposed electric rate increase; John Schuman summarizes DWP Chief Financial Officer Jeff Peltola's presentation on the Power System's finances and the proposed rate action; MWD Board Chairman Tim Brick discusses "Winning the Water War and Plans to Manage the San Joaquin Delta;" David Oliphant reviews Heaven and Earth Ian Plimers critique of the missing science on global warming; LA applies for $200 million smart grid stimulus funding; Abraham Hoffman discusses Owens Valley Farming, Trains and Nevada Gold.


Click HERE for the July 2009 Newsletter

President Tom McCarthy discusses clean air legislation and water supply issues; Solar Companies Slowing Production; Letters to Secretary of the Interior, our California Senators and the Governor about key issues affecting the Delta and our water supply; Abraham Hoffman reviews James Lawrence Powell's DEAD POOL: Lake Powell, Global Warming and the Future of Water in the West; Cap and Trade or Cap and Tax; DWP's proposed Power System 5 year budget; guest speaker Evan Humphrey's comments on "History, Growth and Future Electricity Delivery; guest speaker Stephen Arakawa discusses California's Water Crisis in Search of a Solution; Water and Power Associates tour of MGM's solar panel installation; In Memory of long time Associate Ken Downey.


Click HERE for the February 2009 Newsletter

A Measured Response to Measure B by John Schumann; Summary of presentation by DWP General Manager David Nahai; Summary of presentation by former DWP Board President Nick Patsaouras; Newspaper Articles and Opinions on Measure B; The Proposed LeVal Lund ASCE Annual Award and LeVal Lund Youth Scholarship; Leon Furgatch's Los Angeles Daily News Op Ed piece titled Alternative Energies Fall Short; Abe Hoffman's Report on Conference on Water Politics in Southern California sponsored by the Haynes Foundation and Loyola Marymount University; and David Oliphant's review of Cool It by Djorn Lomburg which questions some of the science on global warming.


Click HERE for the October 2008 Newsletter

W&PA Letters to the Governor and State Legislature re: State Water Legislation; Profile of GM Robert Phillips efforts through the 1970's energy crisis; Book Review by Abraham Hoffman of Damming the Grand Canyon; LADWP Power System News by Thomas McCarthy; California's future water supply and how it's effected by the Sacramento-San Joaquin's Delta ecosystem by Joan Dym; Summary of presentations by LAFCO guests; In Memorium on Robert V. Phillips.


Click HERE for the July 2008 Newsletter

President Richard Dickinson's message on Water and Power Associates tour of Hyperion Treatment Plant; Articles on the Tour of Hyperion and the West Basin Municipal Water District's Recycling Plant; Abraham Hoffman's review of American West Chronicle; Pine Tree Wind Farm and Transmission System by Thomas McCarthy and Rod Opland; David Oliphant's review of Anna Sklar's Brown Acres; William Mulholland Inducted Into VICA Hall of Fame; and the Los Angeles County Local Agency Formation Commission chaired by Water and Power Associates Director Ed "Jerry" Gladbach.


Click HERE for the May 2008 Newsletter

President's message by Richard Dickinson; LA Times series about water in California and around the world titled "Channeling Mulholland;" New Membership Chairman Carlos Solorza; New Board members Joan Anderson Dym and Peter Kavounas; Abraham Hoffman's review of The Development of Los Angeles City Government: An Institutional History, 1850-2000; Anna Sklar's presentation on her newly released book, Brown Acres: An Intimate History of Los Angeles' Sewers summarized by David Oliphant; Peter Kavounas' presentation on Glendale Water and Power; Abraham Hoffman on "When It Rains It Pours (for a moment)"; and A Tribute to LeVal Lund by Joseph Hegenbart.


Click HERE for the January 2008 Newsletter

President Richard Dickinson on Georgia's water shortage; the Legacy of LeVal Lund; David Oliphant's review of Owens Valley Revisited by Prof. Gary D. Libecap; Misinformed Letters in Newspapers; Elements of Los Angeles DWP's Energy Efficiency Budget; Perata Bond Measure Fails; Catherine Mulholland made Direct or Emeritus; When It Rains in Pours - For the Moment by Abe Hoffman; In Memorium on LeVal Lund Jr.


Click HERE for the October 2007 Newsletter

President Richard Dickinson writes on "sustainability"; Proposed Senate Bill X2 2 - The Water Supply Reliability Act of 2008; Recent Guests, including new Los Angeles DWP Commissioner Wallace Knox; LA Times Op Ed Piece "Can the DWP Go Green in 2010?; What's in a Bill; Miscellany re The Zanja Madre; Nancy Day on the Need for a More Muscular Water Conservation Program; and Abe Hoffman on Water For Growth: California's New Frontier by Ellen Hanak.


Click HERE for the July 2007 Newsletter

Board President Richard Dickinson's Message discusses the DWR's temporary shutdown of the Delta pumps on the State Water Project, and how Water and Power Associates should focus it future efforts to achieve the organizations purpose; Support for AB 1481 - General Water Recycling; Support of SB 1029 re adoption EPA regulations by reference; Edgar Dymally discusses the Federal District Court denial of TRO sought by the NRDC to stop pumping in the Delta; Recent letters by W&P Associates on the Prop 84 Water Bonds and Historical Hoover Dam Records; Abraham Hoffman's review of Karen Piper's Left in The Dust: How Race and Politics Created a Human and Environmental Tragedy in LA; and Mary Nichols Appointed Chair of ARB.


Click HERE for the April 2007 Newsletter

Board President Richard Dickinson on the recent history of Water and Power Associates and the appropriate focus for the organization going forward; Robb Whitaker on the Water Replenishment District of Southern California; Abraham Hoffman on Ten Books on the History of California Water; Recent Water and Energy Issues; Review of Big Dams of the New Deal Era: A Confluence of Engineering and Politics; and the Los Angeles Times' rewrite of Steve Erie's and Scott MacKenzies' piece on LAX.


Click HERE for the January 2007 Newsletter

Happy New Year from Board President Nancy Day; Guest Speaker Nancy Sutley, LA Deputy Mayor for Energy and Environment; Abraham Hoffman's Review of Steve Erie's Beyond Chinatown: The Metropolitan Water District, Growth, and the Environment of Southern California; A Summary of USC's Keston Institute for Public Finance and Infrastructure panel on a Bond Initiative Post-Mortem: Where From Here; CMUA's Thumbnail Assessment of the State Legislature; Recent management appointments at DWP and MWD and Timothy Brick Elected Chair of MWD Board; Wally Baker on Green Freight Going Forward.


Click HERE for the October 2006 Newsletter

President Nancy Day's Message on Prop 86 - The Tax on Cigarettes and Prop 87's Alternative Energy Tax on California Oil Producers; Our Recent Guests; Abraham Hoffman reviews Tribal Water Rights: Essays on Contemporary Law, Policy and Economics, edited by Thorson, Britton and Colby; Navigating City Hall in which Richard Dickinson reviews the recent update of the League of Women Voters Los Angeles: Structure of A City Government by Professor Raphael Sonenshein; LADWP's Paul Wang's Heat Storm Outage Report - Executive Summary - Key Findings and Observations; A Modest Proposal for the DWP's Image by Abraham Hoffman; DWP Job Opportunities; New President and Vice President for the LADWP Board; MWD to Select New Chair; Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation and Executive Order to Develop Strategic Vision for the Delta; and Water Education Foundations Workshops.


Click HERE for the August 2006 Newsletter

Richard Dickinson on Preserving Records - Preserving History; Dave Oliphant on activities of the Historical Preservation Committee; LeVal Lund on the LADWP Initiated Environmental Water Transfer Agreements and other water issues; Analysis of Prop 84 and Prop 87; Dave Oliphant with an Opinion on DWP Public Relations; Heat Wave by Tom McCarthy and Kent Noyes; Abraham Hoffman's review of Vision in the Desert: Carl Hayden and Hydro Politics in the American Southwest, by Jack L. August, Jr.; In Memoriam; and Membership Notes by Vince Foley.


Click HERE for the April 2006 Newsletter

Vice President LeVal Lund on "California Levees in Jeopardy?"; Jeff Kightlinger Announced as MWD General Manager; DWP Regional Science Bowl; Abraham Hoffman's Review of Building the Ultimate Dam: John S. Eastwood and the Control of Water in the West by Donald C. Jackson; David J. Oliphant on the Mulholland/Scattergood Museum and Learning Center; Water and Power Associates Board of Directors; and Power Related Events of 2005 by Thomas J. McCarthy.


Click HERE for the January 2006 Newsletter

President Nancy Day on Mayor Villaraigosa's vision for "The Future of LA;" Saint Francis Dam script proposed; Abraham Hoffman's review of Negotiating Tribal Water Rights: Fullfilling Promises in the Arid West; DWP Board accelerates renewable energy goal by 20% by 2010; New LA Board members for the Metropolitan Water District; Tony Rossman gives DWP kudos on conservation; Former DWP Public Affairs Director Ed Freudenburg's suggestions for overhauling DWP's public relations program; Activities of the Historical Preservation Committee.


Click HERE for the October 2005 Newsletter

President Nancy Day comments on California's electric energy situation; profile of new Board member Tom McCarthy; highlights of dedication of DWP exhibit commemorating William Mulholland's 150th birthday; granddaughter and author Catherine Mulholland's remarks at the dedication; Abraham Hoffman's review of Water and American Government: The Reclamation Bureau, National Water Policy and the West by Donald J. Pisani; Richard Dickinson reviews our own Steve Erie's Beyond Chinatown : The Metropolitan Water District, Growth, and the Environment in Southern California; and comments by guest speaker Thomas Erb, LA DWP's Director of Water Resources.


Click HERE for the July 2005 Newsletter

President Nancy Day discusses coming changes with the new administration at LA City Hall and shares Water and Power Associates letter to Mayor Elect Villaraigosa; Comments of guest speaker Gilbert F. Ivey, Interim CEO of the MWD; CMUA's Ray Corley editorializes on Cal FEd funding; Abe Hoffman summarizes the Water Education Foundation's 2005 Executive Briefing; Committee Chair Dave Oliphant describes the Association's Historical Preservation Committee and the proposed Mulholland - Scattergood Learning Center and Museum; and Abe Hoffman reviews The Politics of Western Water: The Congressional Career of Wayne Aspinall by Steven C. Sturgeon.


Click HERE for the April 2005 Newsletter

President Nancy Day comments on California's bleak energy outlook; University of Arizona's Gary D. Libecap's economic analysis of the historical Owens' Valley water transfer; Ed "Jerry" Gladbach's report on ACWA's Annual Conference; Climate Change to Impact Future Water Supply; Dave Oliphant on the Mulholland/Scattergood DWP Learning Center and Museum; Steve Erie and Greg Freeman's report on the 2004 Western Water Education Foundation's Water Law and Policy Briefing; Abe Hoffman's Review of Border Oasis: Water and Political Ecology of the Colorado River.


Click HERE for January 2005 Newsletter

President Jim Wickser's concern about proposed conservation easement in the Owens Valley; Abe Hoffman's review of Fuel for Growth by Douglas E. Kupel; Activities of Water and Power Associates' Historical Committee; Leval Lund's Burning Water Issues; Nancy Day on Water, Power and the Drought; Personnel changes at MWD; Jan Paul Matusak's Update on the Quantification Settlement Agreement and the Colorado Basin Drought; and Steve Erie and Gregory Freeman's Report on the Water Education Foundation's Water Law and Policy Briefing.


Click HERE for the September 2004 Newsletter

President's Wickser's Corner on the importance of involvement in neighborhood councils; List of our recent guests and speakers; Abraham Hoffman's review of Hazardous Metropolis; W&PA's Historic Committee; Historic Committee Interview of 92 year old DWP retiree Jim Reinhard; Henry Martinez appointed Acting DWP General Manager; Mayor's Plan to Jeopardize City's Water Rights; Western Water Education Foundation's upcoming Conference on State Management Issues at Terminal Water Bodies/Closed Basins.


Click HERE for the April 2004 Newsletter

New Directors; USC Conference on Solving California's Energy Problems; Electricity Issues; Water Issues; Abraham Hoffman's Review of Water and the California Dream; Board member Steve Erie's Globalizing L.A.; The Water Education Foundations 21st Annual Executive Briefing.




We attempt to publish our newsletter at least quarterly. Please select the issues and/or subjects of interest below.






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